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Jan 28, 2021

We keep telling stories about lost cities. Pop culture is full of tales about great metropolises that disappeared, only to be rediscovered by adventurers. But the reality of ancient abandoned cities is way more complicated and weird. To celebrate the release of Annalee's book Four Lost Cities, we delve into the...

Jan 14, 2021

JK Rowling has become an anti-trans activist on social media. This news has sent Harry Potter fandom -- always full of queers and trans people -- into mourning. We talk to author/publisher (and longtime Slytherin) Cecilia Tan about how to ignore Rowling and take back Harry Potter.

Shownotes here:...

Jan 2, 2021

Science fiction and fantasy are full of bodies that just won't behave. Either they're overpowered, or they're trying to consume everything in the world. We talk about why some bodies are so problematic in science fiction. Plus we talk to Meg Elison, author of the new novel Find Layla, about fatphobia...